Enjoy the life and body you want,

let’s begin.

Body Wisdom Membership!

Your body is smart, strong and beautiful, listen carefully, I’ll teach how. 

My signature program:

NOURISH your life, love your body

ONE on ONE coaching with Steph

Create the life you want, when you feel good,

everything is possible!

  • It’s learning to understand and love your body
  • Eating to balance your hormones
  • Eating for stronger digestion and metabolism
  • Anti-inflammatory, high immunity life style
  • How to take care of your family without losing yourself
  • How to love your ever changing amazing, beautiful body
  • How to stay married and have desire for your honey, if that’s what you want
  • How to say NO, when to say YES!
  • Choosing YOU without being an asshole
  • Supporting your kids to be the best humans
  • Taking charge and designing your day for more energy
  • Cooking real food at home, more easily and deliciously
  • Nourishing your body, mind and family
  • Believing in your amazing bodies ability to heal and stop beating yourself up

 NOURISH your life with Steph

the program

How it works:

  • 6 weeks ONE on ONE with Steph
  • We work quickly and efficiently and take action
  • THREE PHASE PROCESS: eat real food, reduce stress and anxiety, create your most fulfilling daily life
  • EDUCATION to understand your body and how to heal
  • SKILLS you need to shift into your balanced lifestyle
  • SUPPORT you need to achieve your goals and face everyday challenges
  • Implement daily practices for more energy, clearer thinking, less triage mode
  • What to eat, increase digestion and metabolism, fat burning energy
  • A new way of healthy eating, forever doable, with balance and ease
  • Library of video classes, exercises, recipes, audio and more
  • It’s time to feel better, have more energy and age gracefully!

Feel strong, amazing, calm and energtic. Let’s go!


Define your healthy goals, get clear on the changes you desire.


How to burn fat, have strong digestion, elimination, balance your blood sugar, metabolic health, nourishing your tissues for a stronger body. 


Managing stress and anxiety to find calm, balance cortisol, a stronger nervous system through food and wellness practices.


How food heals you, how food harms you, what to eat, and keeping it simple to fuel your busy days, for you and your family.


Your lymphatic system, moving your body, exercise that you enjoy and other ways to keep your detox pathways open.


Helping you sleep for deep repair, recovery, more energy, more clarity, wake up refreshed. You can’t change your body and your life if you don’t heal during sleep.

HORMONES and women's health

Hormones are part of every function in your body and they change often for women throughout life, let’s support you. Your body is not against you, love her and change everything.


Feeling your best, your new, healthy, whole system comes together, eating, breathing, moving, sleeping, aging gracefully, enjoying life to the fullest!

change your life by focusing on these areas

RADIANCE living!

Online workshop, ready when you are!

Lose the puff, stop bloating, reduce belly fat, stress less and make food changes easier. 

Get immediate access to the RADIANCE reset program now and start today!

Bring the RADIANCE!

More energy is coming to you.

“I just completed Steph Mohr’s Living Radiance program. It was just the kick start that I needed to put me back on a healthy living and eating track! I stocked my kitchen with the radiance living grocery list and found that to be very helpful. I also tried many of the radiance recipes and will continue to incorporate them into my weekly meal planning. The program was a reminder to me that I know I feel better when I eat better!”

—Cindy B.

What they’re saying about



Give yourself the best gift of all and invest in learning more about taking care of yourself through this Radiance program. I waited until I was 60 years old to delve into this depth of understanding my body. I encourage anyone, now, to learn how to take care of yourself. To be my best ….  I am embracing and balancing this New Year and I hope you do this for yourself.  Grab a friend or jump in by yourself. You will look forward to this time and learn so much. This course is many things!!!

So grateful for this offering Steph has put together.”

—Kathleen W.

“I met Stephanie over a decade ago as my very first yoga instructor. When I learned she offered one on one Ayurveda mentoring, I could tell instantly I wanted to work with her more in depth. Steph does not just teach, she embodies her dharma and helped me in uncovering mine within. Stephanie has changed my life. My path has never stopped expanding and I will always know and thank Stephanie for her guidance and beautiful contribution. She knows the way. Thank you Steph!”


“Steph, I can’t thank you enough for your time, your wisdom and HUMOR! I look forward to continue my journey of aging gracefully as I navigate these waters. I’ve learned so much and you make it easy to incorporate this new level of wellness and lifestyle, while I’m both a mom and taking care of my parents. I’m eating better, taking better care of myself and find time to pause instead of allowing anxiety to take over. You’ve made it fun to make these changes in my life! Thank you!”
